
Creating my jekyll post files with emacs


Easing the path into blogging

I have started so many blog sites over the years where I post for like a week and then totally lose track of it. The biggest blog I have ever made was -maybe- 5 posts. I’d really rather not fall into that pattern again. In order to facilitate that, I want to give myself the path of least resistence when it comes to making new posts.

I have used emacs for the last 12 years or so of development, and so making myself some nice functions in order to easily create a file with the correct naming and boilerplate seemed like a good place to start. So I spent an hour or so boning up on my elisp and writing a couple functions to get this working.

Eventually I would like to explore writing these posts in org-mode and then using the org-export functionality to create the posts completely, but I wanted to make this faster and not go down a rabbit hole at the beginning.

Defining the customization variables

First I new I wanted to make this portable between my different machines, and I don’t always keep the same file structure, so I needed to create some variables that I could customize on a per machine basis. This defgroup and defcustom:

  (defgroup my/jekyll nil
    "Settings for jekyll creation setup."

  (defcustom my/jekyll-website-root "~/Development/devblog-jekyll"
    "Path to the root of the jekyll project"
    :type 'directory
    :group 'my/jekyll

  (defcustom my/jekyll-post-directory "_posts"
    "Path from the website root to the posts directory"
    :type 'directory
    :group 'my/jekyll

  (defcustom my/jekyll-author-name "Michael Christensen-Calvin"
    "The author name to insert in post headers."
    :type 'string
    :group 'my/jekyll

Defining my functions

Next I wanted to create a couple functions to separate my logic. I needed:

Binding to a key

This is pure personal preference, but since (C-c n) is my keybind for my org-roam map, I figured (C-c j) would work for making a new jekyll post.

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c j") 'my/jekyll-create-post)
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